








Dr. 凯利·亨利11岁是纽约市纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心的研究员.  她得了B.S. in Chemistry from Marist 和 completed a Ph.D. in chemistry at Syracuse University.

What brought you to Marist originally?

I have an older cousin who went to Marist (Thomas Henry ’00), so this is how I originally knew about the school. 我们都来自曼留斯, 纽约 (a suburb of Syracuse), 和 it’s not that common for people from around there to apply to Marist. 然而, I really wanted to get away for college, 和, although Marist is only about 3 和 ½ hours from home, it was still nice to be somewhere new 和 start fresh without anyone I knew.

每次我参观学院,我都对校园和我遇到的人印象深刻. I went to Accepted Students Day in April 2007 和 felt the joy 和 presence of the current students; they seemed genuinely happy 和 excited to recruit new students. One of the most important deciding factors truly was the campus, 直到今天,我还没有到过像玛丽斯特大学那样美丽的大学校园.


One of the highlights of Marist was being on the Hudson River. When I come back to Poughkeepsie, even if I am just passing through, I always stop by the river because it has always been my “happy place.” I always loved to go down to the dock to think, study, or hang out with friends.

我的学术经历的亮点包括我在化学中经历的非常紧密的社区. There weren’t many students in this program, so we all knew each other quite well, 和 all of the professors knew us. In this way, we were able to get the individual attention 和 encouragement to succeed. 化学专业的学生可以进入唐纳利大厅的计算实验室,那里有电脑和白板, 去那里,离开那里,有自己的空间学习,和其他专业的同学一起完成工作,这真是太棒了.

I was also quite involved in WMAR (Marist’s radio station). I was the secretary of the club for a few years, 和 had my own show for two years as well. We helped set up “P和eMAYnium,这是一个非常成功的音乐节,招募了当地的乐队,恰逢春季音乐会(那年的音乐会恰好是“第三只眼盲”), 我最喜欢的乐队). Third Eye Blind usually made Poughkeepsie a regular stop on their tour each year, 多年来,我也有机会在波基普西的机会剧院多次看到他们.

What’s your favorite Marist memory?

This is a tough one, but one of my favorite Marist memories was River Fest senior year. It was one of the few times where everyone I had gotten to know over the years, 他们是否是老朋友, 室友, or people I met through classes, were all there to celebrate our upcoming graduation. Simply put, it really was just the best time.

Were there specific faculty members who really had an impact on you?

All of the members of the Chemistry Department, 尤其是女性, have had a lasting impact on my life. My mentors included Elisa Woolridge, Lisa Stephens, 和 Jocelyn Nadeau. Without their support 和 enthusiasm for science 和 mentorship, I am not sure I would have continued in chemistry. 直到今天,我还和他们保持着联系,每隔几年就会回来做一次演讲,更新一下我的职业发展轨迹.

化学之外, I always had a connection with my photography professor Dan McCormack, 我和他一起上了很多课. He is an extremely talented local photographer, 和 he taught me everything I know about photography 和 printing, from very basic to quite advanced techniques. I deeply appreciate the simple yet complex nature of black 和 white photography, 它是如何工作的, 和 its connection to chemistry. 像这样, 我希望在未来,如果我有足够的空间和手段,我能继续这个爱好. I am still quite proud of the work I did in Professor McCormack’s classes.

I also have fond memories of Professor Karen Scialabba, who was my advanced ethics professor for the class “Marriage 和 家庭.” She is an incredibly smart woman who had so much experience to share, 和 she taught her class way beyond the textbook. 她的课让我对未来有了宝贵的看法,并迫使我在一些现实生活中的话题上走出自己的舒适区.


我很幸运能有机会和bet亚洲365欢迎投注化学系的老师们建立一种富有成效的关系,因为这里的小班授课和亲密的环境. I was strongly encouraged to go to graduate school 和 pursue a career in chemistry. 在圣母, I was able to experience all facets of the college experience, 我真的认为这培养了我的能力,让我有信心和成功地过渡到年轻的成年人和我的职业生涯.

What do you do at Memorial Sloan Kettering?

在MSK的, 我开发和应用靶向放射性药物来诊断疾病和评估各种治疗的反应. I currently work on a number of radiometal-based projects for molecular imaging. 我的主要研究兴趣是利用分子成像来询问致癌信号和小分子途径抑制剂的目标参与, 以及研究癌症和神经炎症界面生物过程的时空动态. As a senior postdoctoral fellow, 我每天的日程安排通常都是各种各样的实验,从细胞研究到放射化学再到动物研究, 还有会议, 格兰特写作, 和 mentoring junior scientists (technicians, 研究生, 和初级博士后).

Are there any unique experiences you’ve had as a result of your work? 

我拥有的最令人惊奇的经历是有机会环游世界并展示我的研究, 和 this is thanks to the encouragement 和 generosity of my current PI, 杰森·刘易斯. I have been to two international radiochemistry conferences in Europe, along with multiple imaging conferences across the United States.

到目前为止,我最重要的科学突破在我最近的一篇论文(2018年临床癌症研究)中有详细介绍。. 在这个项目中, 我能够成功地利用分子成像探针来评估胰腺癌小分子治疗和致癌途径交叉的靶标接合. Pancreatic cancer has quite dismal statistics 和 prognosis associated with it, 这个项目旨在解决一个严重未满足的需求,即更好地了解这种恶性肿瘤的复杂生物学. 我于2018年6月在核医学与分子成像学会的青年研究者奖决赛部分介绍了这项工作, 因此,他受邀在日本北海道大学即将在中央同位素科学研究所举行的研讨会上发表演讲.

在米歇尔·詹姆斯的指导下通过实地接触和参与斯坦福大学的一个神经炎症项目, 我有机会在世界分子成像大会上介绍一位全体发言人, one of the most significant conferences in my field. 我介绍了博士. Peter van Zijl, 在化学交换饱和转移(CEST) MRI领域非常知名的科学家, 夫人, 功能磁共振成像技术, 扩散成像.

我还在研究生院的第一次美国化学学会会议上遇到了罗尔德·霍夫曼(诺贝尔化学奖得主). 自从搬到纽约后, 我曾多次参加他在格林尼治村科妮莉亚街咖啡馆举办的“娱乐科学”歌舞表演. Dr. Hoffman co-hosts this monthly event, 它包括各种各样的主题,把科学和娱乐联系起来,而不需要正式的讲座或研讨会. 了解这个活动并能够定期参加,对我来说既迷人又非常完整.

Professionally, where do you see yourself five to 10 years down the road?

在5到10年内, 我计划成为一名成功的教授和/或科学家,带领一个富有成效和协作的科学家团队,应用分子成像和基础科学来解决生物医学界的临床相关问题,以提高治疗效果, 诊断, 和 prognostic outlook of human disease.

Any advice you’d share with current Marist students?

Follow your dreams 和 live your truth. While it may sound oversimplified or cliché, it is absolutely necessary. 走出去, network 和 meet as many people as you can, strive to be an articulate 和 professional person, 追寻你的激情. 你会发现很多机会都是bet亚洲365欢迎投注你认识谁,你有机会给谁留下深刻印象. 不要认为任何机会都是理所当然的——利用它们来获得个人和职业上的成功.
